Next stop... MALDIVES!

As you now, I love traveling and knowing new places, so I decided to speak about one place that I have never been but it looks very nice and I would like to go there.

This magnificent place are the Maldives.
Maldives, is a South Asian island country, located in the Indian Ocean, situated in the Arabian Sea. Is a independent country, It obtained the independence in 1965 and in 1968 the republic was re-restored. Nevertheless, in 38 years as such, only it has had two presidents, though the political restrictions have diminished recently. Is the least high maximum altitude of the world, to 2,3 m.  A characteristic that makes it particularly vulnerable to the raise of the level of the see.
For that reason,  a tsunami in the Indian ocean provoked by the earthquake of December 26, 2004, caused that a sector of the Maldives was covered by the sea, it left many persons without home, killed 82 persons and other 26 disappeared. After the disaster, the cartographers are gliding to re-compose the map of the islands devastated by the alterations provoked by the tsunami. The people and the government are worried by the possibility that with the time the country is erased of the map.

I love so much this place and I think is so special because of the beach and corals it have. Most beaches or corals of there are cristallines and there you can do plenty activities, for example; snorkel and the skin-diving. I think that is a very good idea to practice does activities bearing in mind that the water is crystalline and you can see all the animals and plants there are.  We cannot forget that the islands by night are impressive. If you see the water to shine in some moment, do not worry, you do not see anything rare. In Maldives a peculiar phenomenon happens, the fitoplancton bioluminiscente of the sea projects a fluorescent light when there is waved that it appreciates perfectly in the darkness.

I “descovered” maldives , in some videos and photos i saw in the internet. So I start surfing on the internet about it, and I liked it more and more when I found photos like does and the last thing I want to say is that for my this is the concept of the paradise.

Hope you also like the place,
See you soon!


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